Our mission is to ensure that all workplaces are free from sexual harassment and sexual violence. We do this by delivering relevant and meaningful programs that address challenging issues at every level of your organisation.
On the CUSP is committed to supporting your business far beyond one initial workshop. We believe in building and maintaining strong relationships through continued support and guidance. Workplace culture has not priorisited the importance of relationships maintenance and wellbeing - we’re here to change that.
have experience sexual
violence in their lives
against women since 2021
experienced sexual harassment at work in the last five years
We offer consulting services, tailoring individual solutions to your specific needs. Contact us for further information.
Email our director:
Not So Hospitable is a movement and advocacy group highlighting the prevalence of sexual harassment and sexual assault culture within the Adelaide Hospitality community. In 2022, they collected 360 testimonies of first hand experiences of sexual violence whilst at working in hospitality.
We are a collaborative partner with Not So Hospitable to support advocacy, legislative reform and awareness. We believe that together, we can help irradicate practices that enable a dangerous breeding ground of sexual assault, better protect hospitality workers across Adelaide and help foster an industry culture that cultivates safety, respect and education.